Special Events
Our club never misses an opportunity to double down on the fun in celebration of momentous occasions. These are days we value in our hearts -- either because it commemorates a historic event for our club, or a far-reaching endeavor for our community service.
Annual Club Induction
Every year, we welcome our new members and install our new Directors, Officers, and President for the Rotary Year.
Annual RCMD Christmas Party
A year will never be complete without our Past President Joji Tan and Director Conrad Banal III opening their home for a fun-filled party to celebrate the holidays.
Food, games, gift-exchange, and live music fill the night! Plus come morning, a breakfast buffet prepared by our gracious hosts! You'll never find a Christmas Party more fun that this!
RCMD’s 30th Anniversary
Just as any birthday, the charter anniversary of our club is always a special day for us! Every year, we honor and commemorate the birth of our beloved club by throwing an extra special get together. This year is extra special as we commemorated our 30th year!
District Conference
Our club helped Rotary International District 3830 organize its 2016, 2017, and 2018 conferences as host / co-host.
Golf Tournament 2024: For the Benefit of RCMD Community Service Projects for 2024-25
Every year, we hold our exciting and much-anticipated Golf Tournament which, with the help of our generous funding partners, we use as a fundraising event to support our various initiatives aimed to help different communities.