Children’s First 1000 Day Program for 20 Marginalized Pregnant Women in Barangay Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City

The Childrens’ First 1000 Days of Life (F1K) is a dietary supplementation program implemented by RC Makati Dasmarinas beginning 2024 to support and/or provide assistance to indigent malnourished pregnant women and adolescent pregnant girls (teenaged). The F1K program activities include the following:

I. Nutrition Education – beneficiaries are required to attend the quarterly nutrition lectures and counseling on:

(1) Proper Nutrition & Health for Pregnant Women

(2) Importance of Micro-Nutrient Supplementation

(3) Breastfeeding for pregnant and lactating mothers for good health of mother and baby

Dietary Supplementation

1 Daily extra nutritious meal and Micro-nutrient supplementation to undernourished beneficiaries for 30 weeks or 90 days through the partner LGU – Pasig City;

(4) Improve mental health during pregnancy. “The first 1000 days of life constitute a critical phase that will determine the optimum growth and development of a child. An important factor in this phase of life is the perinatal mental health of mothers and children. Mental health awareness is an important public health issue with significant impacts on mothers, spouses, and families, as well as the long-term emotional and cognitive development of children as well.

(5) Pre-and-post natal check-up through the Ilugin Health Center in Pinagbuhatan as sponsored by The Rotary Club of Pasig

(6) Breastfeeding awareness

(7) Routine Immunization (awareness on the importance of vaccines)

Malnutrition is associated with numerous health problems, such as stunting, obesity and impaired growth. Through its F1K program, RCMD aims to contribute to the prevention of stunting among children 0-23 months old, thus, creating hope for a better and brighter generation of Filipinos.


Our partner, the Rotary Club of Pasig, as a partner has opened the door of its Ilugin Community Center in Pinagbuhatan, Pasig City, for free checkups of our beneficiary pregnant mothers.

Free Ultrasound tests done by Drs. OBGyn Ultrasound fellow Anna Magcalas and Consultant Sonologist Cristina Samonte and consultation by OBGyn resident Dr Arianne Rojales of The Medical City through a partnership.

Jan 31, 2024: Day 15 Meal at the Damayan Center consists of Watermelon + Monggo + Fried Fish + 2 cups rice + water.


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