RCMD Club Meeting #970 featuring Master Joseph Chau

February 2, 2017 -- Kung hei fat choi from RCMD! We had a wonderful club meeting last night and we learned so much from our keynote speaker, the Hong Kong based Taoist priest and geomancer Master Joseph Chau! He shared his geomancy forecasts for 2017, The Year of the Fire Rooster.

Master Joseph Chau also taught us techniques on how to fight the negative energy and of course, attract the positive ones. Many who attended meeting #970 expressed interest in receiving the Tai Suey Blessing, which he conducts annually from his residence in Metro Manila. Best news is that we're lucky to have been offered an afternoon slot on February 25, 2017 exclusive for RCMD members!

Special thanks to our devoted Rotarian Annabelle for inviting our wonderful keynote speaker last night!
If you're interested in learning more about different fields of expertise, attending our club meetings is a great way to get an idea on how different things work while getting acquainted with our members. Know more and spend your dinner with us on our next one!