GOVERNOR VISITs Just In Time for 22nd Charter Anniversary Celebration

January 11, 2017 -  Our club gave a warm welcome to our District Governor Edna Sutter in her official visit to RCMD. DG Edna was with other District Officers including our very own AG Philip Nazareno.

As part of the protocol, we had our reporting led by ASTP JP de la Vega and he presented to the District Governor what we have accomplished for the past months and what still needs to be done.

We also launched the Horizon Awards to honor the members who had a great contribution in growing the number of members of the club. Awardees were Dir. Raymond Catane, PP Perry Noble, Rtn. Malou Romero, and PP Jun Turla.

After the awarding, DG Edna gave her speech and commended RCMD for the success of our projects. and programs.

On the same night, we had a late but fun celebration of our Charter Anniversary before the night ended. We sang the traditional birthday song as our club turned 22 last December 14, 2016 and danced our hearts out to Brazilian-themed music.