Celebrating Christmas with Our RCMD Family
/December 23, 2016 — A year of hard work deserves a night bursting in the seams with Christmas fun!
Our Past President Joji Tan and Director Conrad Banal III once again opened their home for our RCMD family; this time, to cap off our year with a fun-filled party in celebration of the holidays, and birthdays of our members Conrad himself, Elmer, Roger, Yvette, and Cyril.
For celebrations like this, their home transforms into a haven of fantastic food, and live music, that are only made better by the company of our RCMD family. Shortly after dinner, we did what our club takes pride in being been known for -- jamming to sing our favorite songs! Go RCMD -- Rotary Club of Music and Dance!
And as if that wasn't enough fun, Past President Roger Garcia also added to the excitement of the atmosphere with the games he prepared for the night. Also, not to be forgotten by everyone was the Christmas gift exchange with a twist and a birthday song for our December celebrants.
As a tradition, we stayed on til morning (yes, til morning!) and partook in a breakfast buffet prepared by our gracious hosts PP Joji and Director Conrad!
We wish you all with full bellies, endless laughters, and hearts full of love from family and friends! Happy holidays!